Friday, July 29, 2011

What "Girl" are you?

I'm a Jordan girl!


I'm a Joey girl!


I'm a Donnie girl!


I'm a Jon girl!


I'm a Danny girl!


Thing is, I'm a NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK GIRL! Each of them holds a very special place in my heart. Yes, Jordan has a bigger space than all the others but that's ok...he stuck with me through the rough, dark times and he deserves that extra space.

I don't understand the idea of simply being a "so and so girl"...I love and appreciate each of them for one reason or another. Sometimes my Jordan girl comes out (on stage belting out the end of I'll Be Loving You) and other times my Joe girl comes out (his Joe"isms" turn me into goo). I'll also admit to having a bit of Donnie girl in me too (Shock and awe)...hey, have you SEEN the way he treats the kids and how he manages to make you feel like you are the only person in the world at any particular time?! The man is a GENIUS. If you aren't a Donnie girl he will try his darndest to turn you into one. Then there is my Jon girl...she's the relaxed, laid back girl (she doesn't visit often), she just goes with the flow. And lastly there is my Danny girl...I melt when I see him with his kids...he is the perfect dad. So there you go...I'm just a girl who fell in love with ONE guy in 1988 who just happened to have 4 amazing friends who weaseled their way into my life and heart. Call me a NEW KID WHORE or say I have COMMITMENT ISSUES...I simply don't care...I will continue to love each of them. And if I step on your toes by giving "your" guy extra attention when I'm not "his" girl, sue me...I don't give a flying fig...learn to share dammit...

Monday, November 8, 2010

My Thoughts...

Here I sit - trying to find the right words...I know there are many who feel betrayed by our "boys". They feel that the "boys" have sold out. In all honesty I think they are going with the "demand" that is there. They give, we take, we want more, they give more and the cycle begins...

I am simply happy for the "opportunity". We do not have to partake in what they are offering BUT we "CAN". I think that is fantastic. I don't "have" to have a great seat...would I like one? HELL YES! Will I get one? Don't know...just knowing that I have the opportunity has me pleased as punch.

I will not let this consume me. I will not let the negativity of some deter me from having the time of my life with the many friends that I have made. I will relish in the experiences of those who have the opportunity to get that highly coveted FACETIME...I will watch the YouTube videos, read the tweets and love every minute of it...its not about the MONEY you spend its what you take away from the experience. I'm just happy to have the chance to experience it...happy to make new friends...see the boys and KNOW that I'm pretty damn lucky.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I never imagined...

That this would be my life. That I would be the one left to watch my grams die. That I would be the one that would become her caregiver. That I would always be the one. I can honestly say that my mother would disappoint me like she has, more so, that my whole FAMILY would disappoint me like this...they just left me high and dry...I never imagined...

I am the one that helps...I do what I need to do to make things work which leaves very little time for me...I have no time to take care of myself. I am heavier than I have ever been and I'm just SO tired that I don't work out...I eat food that's bad for me and I just keep getting fatter...I'm depressed most of the time...I can honestly say I HATE ME LIFE...actually, I HATE not having a life.

I thought this would be longer...but it looks like I got it all out pretty quickly...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The story of TJ and I

In 1988 TJ was born to my cousin and her husband. We had helped prepare for the birth because TJ's mom was young and they didn't have a lot of money. The seemed appreciative at the time but they came to take advantage of our generosity. They would come to us on an almost daily basis to get money for diapers, formula, laundry soap and what not. It got to the point that we just started keeping those things on hand...

When TJ was about 6 months old we started keeping TJ from Sunday evening to Friday evening. We had a crib for him, high chair, walker, car seat and bathtub. It was like he was ours.

After the first of the year TJ's mom left his dad and left TJ behind. When his dad filed for custody I took it upon myself to apply for custody on my own. I couldn't imagine TJ being brought up in the environment that his dad would expose him to.

In a rare decision, I was awarded custody of TJ and I picked him up in August of 1999. He was mine...

He hasn't left my side since. I went from being called Sissy to Sissy Mommy to finally MOMMY. That is the most precious word I've ever heard. How blessed am I to have this amazing little boy in my life? He may test my nerves but he also showed me that I was capable of more love than I ever imagined.

He may not be my son by birth, by marriage or by blood but he is MINE...always, mine. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Monday, November 16, 2009

To My Amazing Friends...

I want to say THANK YOU!

Thank you for sticking by me through it all..for not allowing the things out of my control affect the way you see me.

I never in a million years thought that I would be where I was recently and I honestly never thought I would have so many people on my side.

The fact that you listened made a huge difference.

The fact that sometimes you tell me things I don't necessarily want to hear is appreciated.

Knowing that if I DO need you that you will be there.

Realizing that you are going to call me on the bullshit helps a lot.

Not allowing me to feel sorry for myself...that is something I REALLY need.

I love that you love me unconditionally.

You are my stars...when I doubt the love and support in my life...all I have to do is look up to the night sky and THANK MY LUCKY STARS.

I love you all deeply, unconditionally - with all of my being...


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My NKOTB Experience @ Blossom

When I was 14 years old I asked my mom for tickets to the NKOTB concert for my birthday…she came through with tickets to the Cincinnati show on July 10, 1990. I had turned 15 on the 6th of July. I totally thought that Jordan Knight was going to see me dressed in my polka dot shirt, matching leggings, lycra mini skirt and BIG hair and fall head over heels in love with me. Alas, when I got to my seat I realized it was in the VERY LAST ROW of the venue. I was CRUSHED…none the less, when the boys took the stage I was transported to a different time and place. I was blissful. That was one of the BEST birthdays ever….

Cut to 19 years later…I’m turning 34 and the BLOCK is playing close to Columbus…my girlfriends and I splurge on 5* tickets. Mind you, this is not my first 5* but by far the most special to me. I blubbered on Jordan at my first M & G – I doubt he understood a ¼ of the words that came out of my mouth. It was memorable and quite special to me as I did share something very personal with him and he was very kind and deeply touched. My 2nd M & G was more for my son than it was for me and for HIM it was amazing. But this one, THIS ONE, I wanted to actually TALK to them and not be dumbfounded…AND IT WAS MORE THAN I EVER COULD HAVE IMAGINED.

I always have a gazillion things I want to say to each of them. Do I ever manage to get it out of my mouth? Usually the answer is no…it usually ends up with me getting two wordsout of my mouth, if that. Once again I had rehearsed all of the things I wanted to say, expecting full well to get in there and freeze. As we were standing in line I was chit chatting with Earl, the big burly bodyguard with a heart of gold and I wasn’t nervous at all. They finally allowed our group to go in. Did I go to Jordan first? Nope. Danny? Nope. Jon? Nope. Donnie? Nope. Joe? Nope. I went to ARMONDO – the bodyguard. I walked up to him and said…”I told you to remember this face, that you would see it again.” And he said “And I do, 4 heads in a door.” (Which is what the bodyguards referred to the 4 of us in our cabin on the cruise). I then said “Get used to it because you are gonna see me quite a bit this week” He said “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I say “That remains to be seen.” LOL!

Next I made a BEELINE for Jordan. Stood in front of him and said “Jordan, I can’t talk to you so just read my shirt.” He did, smiled and opened his arms wide for a hug. I stepped in and just about died. BEST Jordan hug I have ever gotten. It was then picture time. I got lucky and got myself another Donnie/Jordan Sandwich (Yummy). The first picture Jordan is hamming it up as usual but the second one I wrapped my arms around him and LAYED my head on his shoulder. That was BLISS! He felt so good. That is the safest and most content I have felt in so long (why am I just realizing this?).

I then turned to find Joe. I walked up and said “Hi Joe. My name is Kelly. I’m your Sinatra Girl.” And he said “As in YOU ARE MY SINATRA?” I MELTED – Joe McIntyre REMEMBERED ME. HOLY SHIT! I said “Yep, that’s me.” He said “Thank you!” and opened those arms of his for a hug. I then had a lengthy conversation with him about the book drive in Cincinnati. The bodyguards were hovering but Joe kept putting his hand out to them so they wouldn’t interrupt us.

Finally I decide it’s probably time to go. I turn and am face to face with Donnie. I salute him. He salutes back. I say “Permission to grab your ass sir.” And he says “Grab it baby. Grab it with BOTH hands.” When he said “Grab it” I grabbed with my right hand…as soon as he said both hands it was like “BAM”. I grabbed and squeezed a couple of times. It was GREAT. Joe even looked over, eyes all big, and said “DAMN”.

On my way out I pass Jon. I say “Hi Jon, I’m Kelly and I gave you a napkin on the cruise.” He looked at me for a moment and then recognition set in and he said “Yes. Yes you did. THANK YOU!” and gave me an infamous Jon Knight hug.

Not until it was all over did I realize that I never saw or spoke to Danny. *sigh* I guess I have a new mission…

The show itself was absolutely amazing. They top themselves every time. I got some great photos; made some great new friends. Experienced a little girl’s first concert and saw first hand how much the guys care about the young ones. They don’t HAVE to pay attention to them but they seek them out and make them feel like they are very special.

Can’t wait to do it all again.

Special thanks to my girls for going with me again and helping make those memories even better (and for being able to verify that “things” actually happened and I wasn’t just making it up. ;)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"The Family"

Sometimes I forget – that you are different. You let us in. You allow us a glimpse into your lives. How honored we are to be trusted with “Real Talk”. For YOU are not just a group, and WE are not just the fans – we are FAMILY!

I don’t think one can truly appreciate the love we have for each other. Some of us have never met face to face and probably never will. But, these “strangers” are our brothers, sisters, best friends, confidants…they cry with us, laugh with us and celebrate with us. These are the people we can count on when times are tough and when we need an ear to listen or a shoulder on which to cry.

This “family” represents some of the happiest times of our lives. We have shared so much, even if we didn’t know it. We all LOVED these 5 guys from Boston with all of our hearts. They were our first boyfriends. Our secret keepers. They were everything we needed exactly when we needed them to be.

How blessed are we to have them in our lives again?

How amazing is it that they don’t treat us like fans but as friends?

How amazing is it that the “BAND” wants to be friends with us too?

How did we get so lucky?

To you, my new FAMILY, thank you for coming into my life and for allowing me into yours…thank you for sharing your troubles and for listening to mine. Thank you for your advice and for your tough love. Thank you for wiping my tears.

To you , my boys from the Block – thank you for allowing us a little peek into your lives. For feeling comfortable enough to share your quirky sense of humor with us and for treating us as more than just your fans. But most of all, thank you for bringing into my life some of the most amazing women I have ever known – some of which I consider some of my best friends.

So far the ride has been amazing…I can’t wait to see what’s around the corner…you guys are entirely too good to us…